Wednesday, July 18, 2012

“Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.” John Wayne

Okay first I will explain the deer comment from my last post in case anyone cares :) So last year I had the exceptional "luck" of hitting 3 deer in a 5 month period.  The first one was in my 03 Corolla, coming home from Molalla on Hwy 211 btwn Colton and Estacada, my Mom was with me and it was dusk, well I came around a corner and boom there it was on my side of the road, there was nothing I could do. Well it hit the front of my car and the right front, I had to pull over and luckily there was a couple that saw the entire thing and pulled over to see if we were alright. He helped me get the chrome away from my wheel so I could drive home. My Mom couldn't open her door, it was a nightmare, so I went like 30 miles an hour the rest of the 15 or so miles we had left to get home. On a funny note, you should of seen how many times it took me to get into the driveway at home. It is a right turn into the driveway and because of the damage on the right, I couldn't make a complete right turn, lol so I had to pull up a bit, back up, pull up and back up lol not kidding you it was like 5 or 6 times. So I had to have it towed, I got a rental and then found out my car was totaled, the rental I got was a Dodge Journey, it is a SUV, Very nice, loved it. A bit harder on the gas fund but very very worth it. I loved that thing. Well I was driving from Albany to Estacada a day short of 2 wks after the first deer, it was dark and I had Bray with me this time, well I decided that I didn't want to go all the way through Clackamas, so I would just cut through Silverton and Molalla. Yep, Idiot comes to mind when I think back on my actions :) So here we are 8 something at night on Hwy 211 btwn Colton and Estacada, when what happens??? Yep another deer jumps out. I actually said "YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME!" lol so here I am totaled my car and then damaged the rental. Well it was night and if you have driven Hwy 211 in the curves that I am talking about you understand why I didn't stop either time to see if the deer made it. I went to a pullout and pulled over, it was lite and I got out to see what the damage was well I couldn't really tell in the dark. I called my Mom and told her and she thought I was kidding until she could tell I was clearly shaken.Come to find out the next day that darn deer hit the right front corner and bounced down EVERY panel on the Journey, so there was damage to the entire right side! Oh and something I didn't have any experience with is that deer crap, yep they crap and it ends up all the way down the side of the vehicle soooo gross. So there you have it 2 deer in less than 2 weeks! I had driven that road for years and years and never even seen a deer let alone come close to hitting or hitting one. But wait it's not over. Kevin, Bray and I were driving to Estacada on Thanksgiving in his parents Suburban, it was night and Kevin was driving, well sure enough we were on Hwy 211 in between Colton and Estacada in between the other accidents, mind you the other 2 happened less than 2 miles from each other. When a deer darted out, well luckily Kevin missed most of it, and it only left a little mark, well needless to say I LOST it. What are the odds? Really...Lol so then I saw one in the Carver Curves Hwy 224 on my way home from school the other day so it's a sensitive thing with me lol :) Needless to say I don't drive Hwy 211 anymore, except last weekend to Trish's for the yard sale but I have no plans on doing it again, if I go to Molalla I will be going Hwy 213. 

Today was an awesome day! I had three finals and did great on all three. It's funny the path life leads you on. I am soooo thankful that I listened to my gut feeling that this was the year I needed to decide on a new Career and make it happen. I LOVE Medical Assisting, I cannot wait to get started in my new career, in fact I am looking to volunteer to get some experience while going to school. I am currently persuing St.Vincent's and hope that something will come of that. We are having a blood drive at school soon and we get the chance to volunteer with the Red Cross as well and I am looking forward to that experience.

  I have never been more sure about what I want to do. I Love people and helping people so this is the perfect fit. I love how natural all of this feels. It is not forced, I love going to class each day, love Phlebotomy, love learning about the body. It is a lot easier than I had imagined. So thankful for this opportunity. I have amazing parents that have supported me all the way and made it possible for me to follow this dream. My son is sooo amazing, he cheers me on, asks me how my quiz or tests went and tells me "good job Momma" that right there reconfirms my decision. He is my everything, he says he wants to be a Doctor when he grows up, I told him I will come work with him and be his Medical Assistant :) lol

 Kevin has supported and cheered me on as well. This is something that will enrich not only my future but Kevin and Brayden's too. So thankful for everyone's support and the assistance my classmates/friends have given me. They make school fun and for their guidance through my first days I am thankful.

Anyway 2 more finals tomorrow and then my first term is in the bag! I feel like I know sooo much already, I am sooo ready to get some hands on volunteering, hope I get that chance.

 On another note, we have a family picnic this weekend looking forward to that. I rescheduled Bray's photo shoot with Sara Henderson, so as soon as I get some pics I will post them.

Feeling very lucky and so thankful to be as happy as I am.

<3 So thankful for the loves of my life and family <3

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

“Happiness is a warm puppy.” - Charles M. Schulz

Hi Everyone, or should I say anyone :) As if anyone is actually going to invest their time to care about what I am writing.... 

First, I need to vent about the drive home.... I made it half way home following this really slow truck, I was okay with that, give me a slow truck any day at least I have the delusion that I will make it home safely... Here is what I don't need.... Me to be following a slow truck and SUV in front of that truck, then have a guy in a white van riding my buttocks, for those of you not in med school, that is BUTT lol :) 
So he decides to pass all 3 of us right before a corner, idiot. What do YOU think is soooooo important that it is okay for YOU to risk MY life and those around me. So he ended up behind me again some how and then passed me again!!! IN A NOOOOO, yes that's right NO passing zone, apparently this idiot values life so little that he has decided to put everyone around him in jeopardy not only once but twice, and that is just for the 10 minutes I was around him. So my first thought was, I really hope I get to see him get pulled over, and then I had that thought "you are soooooooooooooo lucky that my son is not in the car with me" had that been the case, seeing him crash into a tree may have been satisfying. I am not a person that wishes ill on others easily but really? So once I got over that thought, my next thought was " I am sooo pissed that you are so willing to ignore the safety of other's, that I am going to follow your ass and then tell you what I think" :) Ya well he ended up going across the bridge and I went straight so I took a few deep breathes and got over it but really annoyed me. 

 What I have learned in the last 5 years is that there is nothing so important that you have to race for. If you are late, be late and next time try to manage your time better. If you are following someone and they are behind a line of cars.... riding their buttocks is not going to get you anywhere faster. Give the person in front of you a break, whatever it is can wait, if you are just doing it because your young, STOP, take a deep breath, look around you and enjoy life, who knows how long we each get so don't waste it.

Okay, I need to refresh some info in my brain for finals, so I will stop here but really people, there are soooooo many things out there that are out of our control so please be responsible and wise with what you can control....


<3 So thankful for the loves of my life and family <3