Monday, October 29, 2012

Day 2

I forgot how hard the first few days are! Man almost done with day 2! Staying strong and results will keep pushing me to keep that up but it doesn't help when ur watching tv an every other commercial is about food! Yikes

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Day One!

Okay so today is day one of my new Medifast adventure! I have a great outlook because I know how great this program is from last time I did it, just wish circumstances would of been different and I could of stayed on it. Oh well onward! I am unfortunately starting out heavier than last time so I'm frustrated about that but have to start somewhere! Excited to say the least!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Getting back to a healthier me!

So I have placed a Medifast order:) soo excited, can't wait to get back to the healthier me! Stay tuned for regular updates on my transition as well as updates about life and my wonderful guys:)